13 Quotes & Sayings By Jr Rain

J.R. Rain is the author of the critically acclaimed and bestselling novels The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, A Darker Shade of Magic, and The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye. He has written several short stories and has recently completed a novel; he is at work on a third novel and a children's book. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons.

Hell hath no fury like a man embarrassed by a woman J.R. Rain
If I hear any more loud voices, you will both be auctioned off on e Bay. I could use the extra money. J.R. Rain
All that Anne Rice crap is true, I thought on my way out the door; New Orleans really does have a vampire problem. Besides me, of course. J.R. Rain
My first thought was that a tornado had somehow picked me up and carried me off, like in the Wizard of Oz. No old witches pedaled by, and I didn't see any flying farm animals or chicken coops, and after a few agonizing minutes, I fell deep into unconsciousness again. J.R. Rain
I had been a happy normal wife and mother in Orange County until ten years ago, when I was attacked by an evil vampire... and turned into one myself. It's made my life since gross and scary and, let's face it, weird. J.R. Rain
I put the carpetbag on a ledge, and then, hanging upside down by my razor-clawed feet, slept until sunset. A first for me, and actually quite comfortable. Lord help me. J.R. Rain
Am I right in thinkin' you've maybe been" - he dropped his voice - "the victim of an infamous outrage by the darkies? J.R. Rain
Tell me, Mrs. Moon, will your need for sustenance trouble you on this excursion? How often do you need to feed?" I couldn't tell whether his interest was scientific, or whether he was afraid I might plunge my teeth into his throat at any moment. J.R. Rain
I guess us folks in California are kind of straitlaced and old-fashioned." Hahaha, I thought on the way downstairs. I never thought I'd say those words with a straight face... J.R. Rain
You'll be in good hands with the colonel, you'll see." The colonel? Okay, I was obviously stuck in a Gone With the Wind theme park. Or maybe a Kentucky Fried Chicken farm. Or I was simply hallucinating... J.R. Rain
Was I altering the 'space-time continuum' or whatever they called it in time travel movies, just by existing right now? Perhaps I'd accidentally kill a mosquito that might have given some famous person a disease that killed them? J.R. Rain
I have fourteen black wives an' one white, de chiefest one. I would sure enough shoo her away dis minute if you tek her place in my bed tonight, Mama Sam Moon."Was sex all these people ever thought about? I guess life was short back then, and nobody had much time to waste on anything else. J.R. Rain